Miss Georgia Payne, Los Angeles 🇺🇸

Mistress Georgia Payne

Miss Georgia Payne is an experienced, strict Mistress from the Los Angeles area who has a unique dominant charisma. She has in-depth knowledge of Female Led Realtionships and is also very successful here as a coach in helping couples to achieve a harmonious FLR dynamic. She also runs a particularly exciting institution: the House of Servitude. In the HoS, subs are immersed in a kingdom where women consistently rule and train over a longer period of time. Find out more in the interview. Enjoy.

Lady Sas: Dear Georgia, please describe us how you became a Dominatrix.

Miss Georgia Payne: My life of BDSM began in New York City when I was 21 years old and still in college. A group of us would frequent a S/M club in the city called “The Vault.” I used to just go and watch -a complete voyeur! Later, I started going by myself when the novelty wore off for my friends. I was intrigued and wanted to participate but didn’t know how to get involved. I decided to do a paper on BDSM while in school and made an appointment to visit one of the local Houses of Domination as part of my research. I interviewed the ladies and even did a few cameos during my jaunt. I was impressed by the intellect and creativity of the Mistresses. For them, having men under their thumb all day was a way of life.

I asked if I could come back for a second interview. This time I fully participated commanding slave to do things for me, to satisfy whatever desire I had in the moment, and then punishing them if they didn’t meet my standards. I was a complete natural. I loved having that power and felt that I deserved it. I felt that I had found my place, my home. I took a good long look at my life up to that point and realized that I had been dominating men on some level all along, only I didn’t know there was a name for it.  Once I graduated, I went back to this dungeon and learned the ropes so to speak. A Dominatrix was born and has been a part of my life ever since. It will always be a part of my life as it’s a part of who I am.

Mistress Georgia Payne
Miss Georgia Payne

The point of House of Servitude is to offer a mini kingdom, with multiple experienced Dominas and slaves living a slice of life of full-time servitude to these Dominas.

Miss Georgia Payne

Miss Georgia Payne interviewed by Lady Sas

Lady Sas: How does society in the USA deal with Femdom BDSM? How is it viewed?

Miss Georgia Payne: I think that societal empowerment of women is on the rise, but we have a long way to go. A man’s desire to be dominated by a woman stems from his continued hold of power in society and his need to relinquish it behind closed doors for more balance.

Lady Sas: You have over 20 years of experience as a Mistress in the USA. What is your view: is Femdom in the USA growing in importance and popularity or is it increasingly becoming a marginal phenomenon?

Miss Georgia Payne: I think that within the female and couple demographic, Femdom BDSM has grown significantly in acceptance. Twenty years ago, there were very few women engaging with their partners within the BDSM/FLR dynamic. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening, it’s just that for me at least there were very few, if any, female clients or couples coming in to see me as a professional. That has significantly changed over the years. Now, I have just as many female submissives as male, and dozens of couples that I engage with, the female in charge. All interested and enthusiastic about this world. It is a massive pendulum swing over the last 20 years, and I am so happy to see that.

Lady Sas: You are also the proprietress behind The House of Servitude. What is this house about?

Miss Georgia Payne The point of HoS is to offer a mini kingdom, with multiple experienced Dominas and slaves living a slice of life of full-time servitude to these Dominas. If you think of the BDSM erotica “Exit to Eden” by Anne Rice (or pen name Anne Rampling) the book was based on an island of Dominant women and the slaves who signed their rights away to serve these women. My goal was to bring that concept to life. I’m not the originator of an idea like this, the now defunct OWK in Czech Republic offered the same sort of concept. I piggy backed on that idea and placed the setting in a luxury resort home in the desert in the USA.

Corporal Punishment


Professional Disciplinarian in the Los Angeles area.



Something unique I offer is the one-on-one FLR lifestyle.

Miss Georgia Payn

The House of Servitude

Lady Sas: If someone feels uncomfortable with group training in the The House of Servitude, perhaps because they are ashamed, can they also receive individual training without the group?

Miss Georgia Payne: Absolutely, but then it becomes more extended one-on-one training between Domme/sub which is offered by most Dominas already. That said, I have done plenty of one-on-one extended training. Something unique I offer is the one-on-one FLR lifestyle. Usually, a businessman will be traveling through Southern California and will arrange extended time with me, and we will embark on the full on FLR lifestyle. I become a bit of a surrogate if you will. I use that time to really train them to learn and experience FLR in real time. This is a fantasy amongst many submissive men. They want to experience extended time serving and pleasing me, with strict discipline for failures.

Lady Sas: You have extensive expertise in the area of domestic discipline and the FLR lifestyle. What tips would you give a submissive man who would like to win his wife over for an FLR? What is the best way for him to go about it if this wife has not yet had any contact with it?

Miss Georgia Payne: It’s actually a very simple concept, but one that has been quite difficult for men to achieve due to the intensity of their own fantasies and desires. Simply put, the best way for a man to show his partner the benefits of an FLR is to stop asking to be spanked, leading the conversation with his own ideas of what it should look like (the “I want, I want, I want syndrome) and start really looking at her.

Drink her in. What are the nuances about her that make her special, why he loves her and pay attention to the details of who she is and her specific desires. Everyday he should determine what he can do to make her life easier and better and serve her in that way. Show her that she can have her coffee made exactly the way she likes it, and served at bedside every morning should she enjoy it served that way. Love making is focused on her and her pleasure.  The list goes on. When she lives a life of service, worship and devotion, she sees the benefit to HER.

Then the introduction of a structured and a disciplined routine can be introduced. Women are often not interested in a lifestyle like this because they don’t see the benefit to their life. A partnership is always a negotiation, so you have to show her what’s in it for her. The attention and power are quite seductive to a woman once she’s had a taste of it.  Often when I coach couples, the focus mostly sits on training the man to look and act outward, relinquishing his self-focused desires. Once that is achieved and she is comfortable in her superior position, the introduction of a discipline structure is truly the easy part. I haven’t had a woman reject it yet once she’s fully felt the benefits. 

Mistress Georgia Payne
Miss Georgia Payne

Simply put, the best way for a man to show his partner the benefits of an FLR is to stop asking to be spanked, leading the conversation with his own ideas of what it should look like (the “I want, I want, I want syndrome) and start really looking at her.

Miss Georgia Payne

Miss Georgia Payne about FLR

Lady Sas: What would you say to a woman who is unsure about whether to make her relationship an FLR?

Miss Georgia Payne: I think that if it is important to her partner, it is worth looking into. This is why it is paramount to introduce her to the ways that she would benefit from this lifestyle, and she would dictate how that looks from top to bottom.  Her needs and desires from the household chores to attention and pleasure, she calls the shots. The discipline part she can learn and is usually more inclined to do so when she’s getting her needs 100% met.  There are some women that enjoy the lifestyle right up to the potential to administer a severe correction, if needed.

She enjoys the dominance, structure and needs being bet, even enjoys giving her husband weekly maintenance spankings. But for more intense discipline required for failure, she’s not in it. There’s nothing wrong with that, in fact, I work with dozens of women that send their husbands to me for the more severe punishments. She’ll send me an email and let me know what he has done, and the severity of the punishment needed, and I become an extension of her, I execute her wishes. It works very well for everyone. There are so many different variations and levels of this dynamic to build on depending on the couple’s goals.

I would say that Mistress Georgia Payne is how I spend my free time, being a dominatrix and disciplinarian fulfills me in every way and balances out my life.

Miss Georgia Payne

Lady Sas: Please tell us how you spend your free time.

Miss Georgia Payne: I live a great portion of my time in the “vanilla” world, I have a successful career and a private life. I am often asked what my hobbies are, and I laugh. I don’t really enjoy anything normal like yoga or hiking. Those activities are fine, but I really love playing and that’s because I do have such a leg in the other world. I would say that Mistress Georgia Payne is how I spend my free time, being a dominatrix and disciplinarian fulfills me in every way and balances out my life. I enjoy all sectors: career/family life/goddess. I truly have it all.

Lady Sas: What are your plans for the future?

Miss Georgia Payne: That is always a bit of an unknown as I am an idea person and have numerous projects either floating around in my head or working on a passion project at any given time. I’d like to embark on a few projects, continue to curate a stable of loyal and devoted slaves, continue to build awareness of House of Servitude, open my own studio in Los Angeles – something I plan to do over the next year, and expand my FLR coaching. I enjoy life fully, and recognize the gift that it is, and am grateful for the opportunity to pursue such passion projects and the lovely people I meet along the way.

Lady Sas: Thank you very much.

Femdom Book Recommendations:

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