Sub Escort jO

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BDSM Escort jO

jO aka Johanna Koltai brings the perspective of a sub to our site. The attractive author worked as a sub escort in Berlin for some time, but as soon as the new Prostitution Protection Act in Germany came into force, jO left her job. This was followed by a few years as an employee of a large fashion retailer in Berlin. At the end of 2023, jO surprised us with the news that she would be working as a sub escort again – but with a new approach. jO is no longer active in Germany, but internationally in the premium sector. For a long time we wanted to conduct an interview with her. We are delighted that the time has finally come. Enjoy!

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Sub Escort jO

Interview with Sub Escort jO

Lady Sas: Dear jO, you are now working as a sub escort again. How did that come about?

Sub Escort jO: A few things just came together so that this opportunity felt right for me. So I decided to go for it.

Lady Sas: „A few things came together“ sounds a bit vague. Can you be more specific?

Sub Escort jO: It’s about things from my personal life, so I’m sometimes a bit reticent about that. But I can say that my personal life plan unfortunately didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. I was recently able to experience two intense relationships, but unfortunately they ended up falling apart again. I don’t want to say much about it, unfortunately it didn’t work out in both cases. And I don’t want to wash any dirty linen, I’m very grateful for the wonderful time I was able to experience. It certainly wasn’t all great and there were downsides, but that doesn’t belong here.

I was pretty devastated afterwards and didn’t have the strength to try a third time. Old feelings of guilt and old patterns came up again. I felt like it was all my fault and that I wasn’t good enough for „more“ in a relationship. That’s when I received an offer to work as a sub escort again. But this time on a completely different level, internationally and for the first time exclusively and permanently booked by a single client.

Lady Sas: What does this offer look like, are you employed by an agency or how can we imagine it?

Sub Escort jO: No, no, I am an independent escort, i.e. self-employed. The client offered to book me exclusively for a few weeks.


From Berlin to Monaco and London

Lady Sas: Did you then immediately pull up stakes in Berlin?

Sub Escort jO: First I did two „trial sessions“, very well paid. I immediately had a good, special relationship with the client. And Monaco is of course an absolute dream.

Lady Sas: So a client from Monaco persuaded you to work as sub escort again?

Sub Escort jO: I wouldn’t call it „persuaded“. He showed me a possibility and I went down that path. The security of being permanently booked for a long time was also decisive.

Lady Sas: And are you happy with it?

Sub jO: In principle, yes. I wanted to wait a few months before talking about it, because it could have been that everything was terrible and I would have to go back to Berlin. But it doesn’t look like that at the moment.

Lady Sas: Well, that doesn’t sound entirely satisfactory. Was it the right move from today’s perspective? Would you make the same decision again?

Sub jO: I think I would make the same decision again. In my situation, I was longing to leave the old behind me, the shambles, so to speak. I just had to get out of my everyday life. I blamed myself for it not working out and I admit that I often see my sessions as a kind of „therapy“ for this guilt.

Lady Sas: How are you doing mentally?

Sub jO: I’m fine, I don’t want to give the wrong impression. No, I feel good and I’m absolutely stable.

Lady Sas: These last two relationships were with men, right? Were there any thoughts of going back to your former Mistress, Lady Inka?

Sub jO: Yes, my last two partners were men. And no, I’m looking to the future, not the past.

bdsm escort jo
Sub Escort jO

jO about the differences to the sub escort in Berlin

Lady Sas: Where do you live now? And where do you work?

Sub jO: I am now a kind of, how do you say, digital nomad. Or escort nomad. I would say I live in the EU. I work in Monte Carlo and London, for example. I don’t work in Germany for legal reasons. It’s a shame, but that’s the way it is.

Lady Sas: Describe the differences to the sub escort in Berlin in the past.

Sub jO: Uh, it’s difficult to make a general comparison. The clients are certainly different. In the luxury escort sector, you meet men who are used to spending a lot of money on escorts. That’s normal for them. Everyone is different. I can’t say that the clients are only one way or the other.

Lady Sas: The conditions are on your website. That’s an incredible amount of money, isn’t it?

Sub jO: It is. But you have to realize that many sub escorts call themselves that, but then they are only slightly resilient. For some ladies, calling themselves that is also a ploy to be able to charge high prices. I can say that I can really work from light to hard and that I offer a lot of possibilities. The price is reasonable for that. You also have to realize that clients would be surprised if I had cheap prices, that wouldn’t fit the picture. Good service, good price. I get very good feedback, so I don’t lose any sleep over the prices.

Lady Sas: What is requested more often, the light or the strict program?

Sub jO: Interestingly, both, there are also sessions that are rather soft.

Lady Sas: Isn’t this work exhausting in the long run? Aren’t you worried about your health?

Sub jO: I take breaks when I need them. That does happen.

Lady Sas: You show a lot more of yourself online now. Where does this change of heart come from?

Sub jO: Yes, it’s not quite in my spirit, but it’s unavoidable. Clients want to have an idea of what their sub looks like.

Lady Sas: What are your plans for the future?

Sub jO: I’m trying to feel a little more comfortable every day now and I’m going to let it come to me. I’m writing a new book in my spare time, so I won’t be bored. In the very, very long term, I want to go back home, to Berlin or at least to Germany/Austria/Switzerland. But for now, it’s time for this adventure.

Lady Sas: Thank you very much for the interview.

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