Mistress Nikki Whiplash, UK

Mistress Nikki Whiplash
Mistress Nikki Whiplash, UK

Mistress Nikki Whiplash from the United Kingdom has been one of the most admired Icons in the international BDSM scene for many years. The stunningly beautiful blonde Mistress is known from many great video productions. Nikki Wiplash has a knowing smile on her lips and clearly enjoys training slaves according to her ideas and wishes. It is both a pleasure and an honor to welcome her to the Femdom interview series. Enjoy!

Lady Sas: Dear Nikki, how did you get in touch with BDSM and Femdom? How did it all start?

Nikki Whiplash: It’s difficult to pick an exact moment when it all started, as I’d always liked controlling males in my personal life – mentally and physically! My more formal Femdom journey started when I was nineteen, and working as a model. I gradually found myself gravitating away from vanilla work and towards bondage modelling. Some of my first bondage shoots were for Restrained Elegance when it was a totally new project for the founder, Hywel. But, whilst I found the idea of somebody being shackled or bound fascinating and exciting, I didn’t really want it to be ME! So I tended to try (with a fair amount of success, at times) to escape from the bondage.

Around this time, I’d also started building up a wardrobe of shiny PVC outfits and footwear, which I was inexorably drawn to, and loved to wear. Then one day, by chance, I met a femdom wrestling producer at a studio I was working at and we got chatting about his movies. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! There was a whole world of men out there who actually enjoyed being overpowered and dominated by women! I practically forced him to sign me up for some filming (he thought I was a little too slight!) and I never looked back! I absolutely loved the power that wrestling men into submission gave me, and from there Pandora’s Box was opened and I became aware of the whole BDSM world.

Mistress Nikki Whiplash

Mistress Nikki Whiplash of Hampshire UK enjoys Corporal Punishment, Domination, Ballbusting, Sissy Training, Roleplay and more.

Blonde and beautiful: Mistress Nikki Whiplash

Nikki Whiplash

Mistress Nikki Whiplash, UK, interviewed by Lady Sas.

Lady Sas: Let’s talk about your name: Nikki Whiplash – is behind this your special preference for the whip? What do you love about it? 

Nikki Whiplash: Ha! No, it wasn’t that at all. Around the year 2000 I had started dipping my toes in the waters of Femdom and went by simply Miss Nikki or Mistress Nikki. On the way back from a session one day, I was involved in a pile up on the motorway and injured my neck and back. When I got out of hospital, I decided to meet my friends in the pub to celebrate my lucky escape. As I walked into the pub wearing my neck brace, one of my friends yelled out “here comes Mistress Whiplash!” and Nikki Whiplash was born. Ironically, at that point, I had only ever administered floggings and didn’t even own a single tail! My love of the whip really only blossomed maybe 14 or 15 years ago when a close friend treated me to a set of 3 beautiful Essentia Whips – a sjambok, a quirt and a signal whip. I still treasure them and adore leaving my mark on my subs with them.

Multi Mistress play sessions can really be where the magic happens! Bringing together the creativity of two or more devious femdom minds can have unexpected results!

Lady Sas: You’ve been active in the BDSM industry since 2000, both sessioning and in femdom film productions. When you look back: What has changed during this time?

Nikki Whiplash: The rise of the internet! We live in a far more connected world now than we did in 2000. I had a website from the very start of my career, but as the net was relatively new, a lot of people couldn’t get access to it; this seems almost unthinkable now! I could speak for hours about the evolution! One studio I worked for had a range of VHS videos which people would pop in and browse through and either rent or buy… If the guys liked what they saw on the videos they watched then they might enquire with the studio about visiting you in person for a session. Via my website I would publish a short 2-3 minute femdom clip once a week (which would take my members hours to download over their modem connections!) and take part in a weekly webcam chat with them. The webcam show had no sound, and a grainy image with a refresh rate of about one frame per five seconds! (I used to challenge myself to take a slurp of my tea and be back in position again before the frame refreshed, without being caught!) At the time, websites like mine were few and far between and I developed a pretty big posse of loyal members who would excitedly anticipate their few minutes of low resolution video and our typed web chats!

From there came broadband, and more widespread internet access, which enabled me to offer full length movie scenes for download from my site, and the greater ability for subs to make contact with me. When I sit down now to Skype or Zoom with a long-distance sub in full glorious HD and stereo sound, I sometimes think back to the old days with fondness!

Outstanding Art by Sardax: Mistress Nikki Whiplash as Cinderella
Dominatrix Nikki

Irresistible dominant: Dominatrix Nikki Whiplash

Shoe Fetish

„Only things which make me happy“.

Lady Sas: You’ve been at it for quite a long time. How do you keep your joy in the game and your curiosity?

Nikki Whiplash: The key for me has been to try to only do things which make me happy, and I have only learnt what makes me happy and what I truly enjoy through all these years of playing and evolving. I’m not afraid to cease offering certain activities in session if they no longer excite me, and likewise I will not continue to invite someone to visit if I feel we aren’t fully suited. I surround myself with my stable of wonderful long-term subs, slaves and sluts – many of whom have been serving me for well over a decade – and only accept new visitors if I feel their interests fully align with mine.

I don’t attend many scene events (mainly because they tend to start late at night, and I am most certainly not a night owl!) but count myself lucky to have met and made enduring friendships with a fantastic and fierce group of dominant ladies who I’m proud to call my friends. I love seeing them thrive, sharing our thoughts and ideas, and of course playing with them.  In general, I would say I take my joy from seeing those around me flourish and succeed – whether that is a sub developing a new skill in scene, or achieving something in his personal life, or seeing one of my dominant friends winning at life! Curiosity-wise, I think the internet is a massive help here! I’m always seeing things on social media which I decide I can adapt into my play, and I also love sharing fun little snippets of my play with my followers.

My ownership contracts clearly state that my slaves have an obligation to inform me of any fantasies they develop so that I may consider them.

Lady Sas: You are famous for your exciting videos. How do we have to imagine a session for these videos? Is it just like a session but with another camera filming? Or is the session often interrupted because something is not yet filmed or has to be changed?

Nikki Whiplash: It depends a bit on the exact scene, but 99 out of 100 times the filming experience is very different from a private play session. In general I’m not a fan of simply putting a camera on a tripod in the corner (or, these days, it’s more likely to be propping an iPhone somewhere and pressing record!) because the camera angles probably won’t be great, the lighting could be poor and the scene could end up unwatchable. I’m also a firm believer that private sessions should be just that: private.

This allows for for mood lighting, music if appropriate, and for everyone involved to relax and be in the moment, rather than putting on a performance for viewers. For my movies, I only film with a small team of my owned subs and those who I’ve already played with extensively. I find this makes for much better videos as I know what to expect of them, and they know what to expect of me. Nobody treats it as a private play session and we are all focussed on producing a good scene, rather than our own gratification (something I’ve found to be a problem when I’ve occasionally filmed with people I’ve never met before, and why I don’t do it any more!) 

Sometimes I will go into filming a scene with a strong idea of what I want to show, and other times I will go with the flow. I try to shoot straight through without stopping where possible (so that we can all keep our focus!) but occasionally a scene will require some stopping and starting. 

Dominatrix UK
One of the most admired Icons in the international BDSM scene for many years.

About the BDSM videos of Mistress Nikki Whiplash.

Lady Sas: Is there a director on the video shoots? Or are you your own director and decide yourself what to film?

Nikki Whiplash: I decide what to film. I base my decisions on the strengths of the subs I have available, anything exciting I’ve done in a private session which I want to recreate, any evil thoughts I’ve had for shoots and of course from input from my subs as to what they would like to create with me.

Lady Sas: You do double sessions, for example with Mistress Chloe – and even bdsm-parties. What is the attraction of playing with another Mistress or in a group?

Nikki Whiplash: Multi Mistress play sessions can really be where the magic happens! Bringing together the creativity of two or more devious femdom minds can have unexpected results! I just love bouncing ideas off a Mistress friend and that moment when we both grin, with a glint in our eyes as an evil plot develops!

Lady Sas: What inspires you to come up with new ideas for sessions?

Nikki Whiplash: I think I’ve touched on this in a few places earlier in our chat… I see a lot of inspirational ideas on social media, and I’m also happy to take input from my subs about any ideas they have. In fact, my ownership contracts clearly state that my slaves have an obligation to inform me of any fantasies they develop so that I may consider them. I also find myself daydreaming a lot about new things I want to try, and I find inspiration in the world around me: walks in the woods, trips to the DIY store, training sessions in the gym and many other outings lead to new and terrible session plans being concocted!

Lady Sas: What do you do when you don’t dominate men? Are there any hobbies or activities? 

Nikki Whiplash: I love to travel (sometimes I can combine that with domination, which is awesome!) and I have a keen interest in fitness and train whenever I can. I love running and walking with my (numerous) dogs and I have a little rescue farm with various hoofed and feathered friends to keep me busy. 

Lady Sas: What are your plans for the future? 

Nikki Whiplash: My slaves and I have been working on my new countryside playspace for the past couple of years and I hope to have this “finished” (nothing is ever truly finished, though, as I keep having new ideas!) this summer. Then, I just plan to enjoy it for a while and fulfil all the kinky fantasies I’ve come up with during the build process!

Lady Sas: Thank you very much.

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